The Golf Grip

The golf grip is perhaps the most fundamental aspect of the golf swing. It is your only means of contact with the club and ultimately the ball. Consequently a proper grip is essential to a controlled and constant swing.

The objective is to adopt a relaxed but firm grip which exercises clubhead control i.e. prevents any twisting of the shaft causing the clubface to open or close at the moment of impact with the ball. The following stages illustrate the classic golf grip for a right handed golfer. Note, most clubs have markings on the grip which assist the positioning of the hands.

Step 1

Lay the club diagonally across the palm of the left hand, starting with the middle knuckle of the forefinger and ending with the base of the little finger. Note the overhang of approximately 2 cm.


Step 2

Close the left hand around the grip with the thumb slightly right of the shaft centre. The clubface should be parallel to the back of the hand.


Step 3

Bring the right hand to the shaft such that the grip rests on the middle joints of the second and third fingers. The little finger can either interlock or overlap the forefinger of the left hand.


Step 4

Close the right hand around the the grip with the thumb resting left of the shaft's centre. The palm of the right hand should now be parallel to the backside of the left hand.


This final picture illustrates step 4 from a different angle. Note how the little finger of the right hand overlaps the forefinger of the left hand.


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