Dealing with Rough

Rough is common on almost every course especially on links courses with their coarse grasses and heathers. Dealing with it is largely a matter of common sense. For example, many players attempt to recover from rough by simply playing on regardless. While this is appropriate under certain circumstances, it is usually better to accept that a stroke has been lost and simply play the ball back onto the fairway. The main reason for this is that grass tends to close the clubface as it passes through it thus the likelihood of yet another wayward shot.

Another consideration when deciding between a safety or recovery shot is the lie if the grass. If it is against the direction of flight then the safety shot is recommended. If it lies in the same direction then the recovery shot may be advisable. In this situation, the ball can be played as if playing from a bunker - open stance with ball slightly forward.

Club selection is also important. The longer the grass or deeper the ball is buried, the more lofted the club should be. The idea is to get air and raise the ball out of trouble.


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